What is the connection between COVID-19 and mast cells?

Mast cells are a type of white blood cell that are found in the connective tissue and in every organ system throughout the body. Mast cells guard the doorways at the places where the human body comes into direct contact with the environment—the skin, respiratory system (airways), GI system, and more. They are also found in the brain.

Mast cells are part of our immune system and when they detect a germ or virus they become activated. When a mast cell becomes activated, it degranulates—crumbles—which starts an inflammatory response by releasing and setting free hundreds of different chemicals—called mediators—especially histamine. All of this protects our body from germs and infections.

Mast cells do a lot. They regulate the function of all sorts of different cells, organs, tissues. They play a part in the disease process of many illnesses.

But what is long COVID?

What are long COVID symptoms?

The most common symptoms of long COVID include:

  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Memory and/or concentration problems
  • Sleep problems
  • Persistent cough
  • Chest pain
  • Trouble speaking
  • Muscle aches
  • Loss of smell or taste
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Fever

When do long COVID symptoms show up?

I feel terrible, I know something is wrong—but all my tests come back normal. Why?

An example of the challenge:

A person goes to their doctor with complaints of physical pain. They are experiencing pain that can often be severe in their hands, arms, sides, and legs. The pain can sometimes travel up their neck into their jaw. It can also include migraine or migraine-like head pain. Happening at the same time as the pain, the person complains of feeling tingling and numbness in the areas where the pain is present and all over their bodies—sometimes even when the pain isn’t there. This person has had COVID.

Typically, when a person presents with these types of pain, they will be sent to be checked by a neurologist. The neurologist will perform a neurological exam (also called a neuro exam.) Neuro exams evaluate a person’s nervous system and will assess many areas including motor skills, sensory skills, balance, coordination, mental status, reflexes, and the functioning of the nerves and nervous system.

If the problem is not neurological and is a mast cell activation related issue, typically the results of the neuro exam will be within normal ranges. A neurological exam tests for neurological problems.

Mast Cells & You

Then what’s the difference between Long COVID symptoms and mast cell symptoms?

Mast Cells & You

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If you feel that you may have a mast cell related issue or disorder, please contact a physician to receive medical help. The information presented here is not medical advice and is in no way a substitute for receiving medical advice and treatment from a doctor and mast cell specialist.